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The Blog Of Randomness: April 2007

The Blog Of Randomness

Friday, April 27, 2007

One dark, humid, night

What? what's this? could this even be humanly possible?!? No! It's couldn't be?!? LAURA IS ACTUALLY POSTING!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (excessive exxageration of question marks and exclamation points)

Don't worry, it's true. There is no need to call the hotline and report some identity theft. It is really me. "But how?" you ask. I shall tell you the whole sad sorry tale.

It all started one dark, humid, night at about 9:20 pm. Laura was casually browsing the internet, when, all of a sudden the crazy, insane idea popped, into her head. She knew it was ridiculus, but yet, plausible. She tried to rid herself of the idea, but it was now firmly planted into her head. She could not escape it. She had to access her Blog account. T'was quite a difficult task, yet, she was able to navigate the complicated webiste. but her username and password was denied! Oh, what could she do! So with great care she clicked the button underneath the "sign in" box. It was shameful, but she admitted to...
FORGETTING HER PASSWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But after twenty painstaking minutes, she recieved that email that was the key to unlocking the great BLOG OF RANDOMNESS (duh duh duh). And then, she began to type. and she typed, and typed, and told the internet viewers of her whole sad sorry tale. It had been done. It was too late to change it. her mission. was completed.

Tune in next time to the blog of randomness for further random posts of the great Laura.